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National Rail Replacement Training

Its more than Customer Service.

What is Rail Replacement? To most Rail Replacement is a Means of Travel on a Coach over a Train. There is so much more to Rail Replacement. 


Transport from A to B for customers should be the thought process instead of an inconvenience of modes of transport. How can we assist in changing the thought process? By striving to provide a better service of transport than originally booked. We can assist in this by Learning from what works and what needs changing. 


We have created a training course that meets transport standards along with a decade of trials and experience within the industry.  

Getting on a Bus


Week 1

Learning The Basic

Week 1 is all about learning about the industry. This includes what is Rail Replacement, The structure of the industry and Roles and Responsibilities within the sector.

Week 2

Staying Safe

Now you know what Rail Replacement is and what is needed to make the operation work, Its Time for Safety. Looking after yourself, your customers and your team within the operation.

Week 3

More than Customer Service

Now you know What Rail Replacement is and How to operate safely its time to polish up your customer service skills, Now you know how to sound the part it is time to look the part, act the part and understand the technical side of the operation.

Join your Local Training Today.

Training Sessions are done in a number of ways including Zoom, Face to Face, Group sessions and on Site. Please get in touch to find out what the best means of training works for yourself or your team.

Our Services


The Basics.

Everything must start at the beginning, Learn what Rail Replacement is and what it takes to run the operation. Learn what is required to run a successful block and the red flags to avoid.


Staying Safe.

Staying safe is the main priority, not just yourself or the customers but the whole operation, From the Basic Health and Safety to SSOW and What to do if there is a risk to health. How to report and who to. 


Customer Service.

A smile and a thank you will only get you so far in a world of unhappy travellers.  Lean how to use customer service to your advantage to deescalate a situation and learn other methods to create an enjoyable transition from  Rail to Road.


External Education.

Take advantage of institutions within Transportation and Logistics to Grow your education. Check out some of the networks below to add further support for your CPC 

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